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Keller, Renee. Compositional and Orchestrational Trends in the Orchestral Percussion Section Between the Years of 1960-2009. D.M., Northwestern University, 2013.
Keller, Renee. “#MeToo: Yes, It happens in our industry. So what can we do about it?” Percussive Notes 62, no.1 (2024): 26-30.
Keller, Renee. “Opinions and Attitudes Regarding Percussion During the 19th and Early 20th Centuries.” Percussive Notes 51, no. 6 (2013): 42-46.
Keller, Renee. "Rights and Accommodations for Percussion Students with Disabilities." Percussive Notes 54, no. 2 (2016): 30-32.
Debussy, Claude, arr. Renee Keller. Debussy on the Vibraphone Volume 1: "La Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin" and "Des Pas Sur La Neige". 1909-1910. Arizona: Pocket Publications, 2017.
Debussy, Claude, arr. Renee Keller. Debussy on the Vibraphone Volume 2: "Danseuses de Delphes" and "La Cathedral Engloutie". 1909-1910. Arizona: Pocket Publications, 2018.
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